Oh my gosh, I have been waiting to share this recent project I worked on for the awesome West London venue PICHI Cafe! I was asked to design and create a statement piece that would go on one of their interior walls, and the best bit…..I was given full reign to what I produce. Something fun, colourful, versatile and inspiring, was the brief! It’s not often you get that opportunity, so I was ran with it!
We opted for the phrase ‘Find A Way’ which is a favourite of mine as it is so open-ended that it can resonate to anyone in all kinds of manner, at the time they encounter it. So I created the type lock, one that I had roughly designed a while back but improvised on it to give it more depth and play, particularly as I was creating a layered cut-out 3D element. Instead of the design being one layer painted on a wooden panel, as you would typically for signs, I decided to cut around the letters and the drop shadows, even including another layer of cut-out letters on top.
Well, as you can see from the WIP images below, it was quite the labour-intensive piece but goodness I was completely in my element. This is what I love doing; marrying both my love for design and construction.
This project from inception to completion is a week’s worth of hard graft, to give you an idea of how something of this scale would take. It’s been such a pleasure creating this piece and grateful to Stef for giving me this opportunity to work with her on this.
My amazing friend Diana took some of these shots above which I’m grateful as I never have great behind-the-scene photos or of me at my work. What do you think then? I’m definitely eager to do more of these so if you’re interested let me know; whether its for your home, shop, venue or a pop up event, I’d love to be of service!
Hoping to get official photos taken of the piece in situ so I can update the project/work page. Keep your eye out for it!
IMAGE CREDIT : Molu Designs + Diana Stainton Photography
[All rights reserved ©MoluDesigns]